Treatment Options for Someone Agreeable to Treatment
We do not adhere to a one-size-fits-all approach when determining treatment options Deciding what help is needed and who is best qualified to provide that help can be overwhelming. There are many treatment options, both inpatient and outpatient, and not all treatment options are the same.
We will the access particular needs, the situation, and willingness to provide appropriate treatment recommendations and guide you every step of the way.
InterventionASAP is an independent entity. We do not receive any compensation from the providers or facilities we recommend. We do continuously visit and evaluate the performance of treatment facilities across the U.S. This allows us to confidently make the best recommendations for inpatient and outpatient providers for your needs.
The Basic Steps in our Treatment Placement Process
We Will Gather Information and Perform an Assessment
Once our services are employed, we begin gathering and evaluating your loved one’s history, signs and symptoms, personal strengths, problem areas, and other information. Determining the best treatment options for your loved one’s unique problems and personality depends on a thorough assessment.
We Make Treatment Recommendations
After our assessments we will recommend treatment program options yto the best matches for your situation and needs . Depending on the case, our recommendations may be as simple and affordable as outpatient coaching sessions by phone, or we may recommend a more comprehensive treatment center. The treatment options we present will take into consideration financial, medical, and psychological needs. We are refer to treatment providers across the U.S. depending on needs and resources providing you with the best options for long term success.
We Make Travel Arrangements (if needed)
We have helped in 46 states, over 4 continents and can offer all travel services as needed.
We are Your Best Care Advocates
While your loved one is in treatment, we provide case management, monitor progress, hold providers accountable, and can serve as an independent point of contact for management, coaching and guidance. The best interests of your loved one and family remain at the core of all we do.
Treatment Levels of Care
Below we describe some of the services that are commonly available. It is important to be aware that not all treatment facilities offer a full range of treatment services. InterventionASAP will identify providers and facilities that meet an individuals needs.
Medical Detox
A medical detox is a medical safety step. DETOX IS NOT TREATMENT. Withdrawal from some drugs and alcohol dependency can be life threatening. Detox is a safe and comfortable way to safely titrate someone off their drug of abuse under medical supervision. The duration of detox varies, but 6 days or less is an average “window of time’ from a safety perspective.
Withdrawal from some drugs and alcohol dependency can be life threatening. Detox is a safe and comfortable way to safely titrate someone off their drug of abuse under medical supervision. The duration of detox varies, but 6 days or less is an average “window of time’ from a safety perspective.
Intensive Outpatient Program/Outpatient/Partial Hospitalization Programs (IOP/OP/PHP)
An outpatient program is more rigorous than an hour in a therapist’s office, but less intensive than a residential treatment setting. Outpatient at any level does not require the individual to live at the facility where treatment is being provided. Outpatient programing can include individual counseling, group therapy, education for coping skills, medication and case management. Please note there are many variations and levels in competence of care.
The difference is usually the number of hours per week spent in therapeutic programing.
While the number of therapeutic hours may vary, The following is for general reference points.
PHP- Usually daily programing where individuals spend a significant portion of their day 20 hours per week in therapeutic programing
IOP- Fewer hours of therapeutic treatment, averaging engagement often 9-12 hours per week of programming spanning 3-4 sessions per week, often suggested as a step down post RTC
OP- 2-6 hours of therapy per week, often1 or 2 nights per week.
Residential Treatment Program
Residential treatment is an inpatient program takes place in a dedicated treatment facility. It serves a purpose in safety and giving a person the opportunity to focus on getting healthy without the distractions of regular daily life. RTC involves individual therapy, group therapy, 24 hour staffing and supervision and supportive services. The average stay is 30 days but can go as long as 90 days.
Sober Living Environment (SLE)
Sober living homes provide structure, support, and accountability for those coming out of primary care and those who have relapsed in a that would benefit from the added structure, support and accountability. It is also appropriate for some who are involved in outpatient treatment programs. Sober Living homes require residents to live-in and adhere to a curfew, work, volunteer or continue outpatient services during the day, drug testing, chores, and in other ways work towards becoming healthier, more responsible, and adjust to a new life living a life in Recovery.
Psychiatric Hospitalization
Psychiatric hospitalization programs take are generally reserved for those who pose a safety risk to themselves or others. Hospitalizations are also used for persons suffering from a psychotic break or needing medication stabilization. The focus is often on safety, stabilization services, medication management and coordination of psychiatric care. Lengths of stay vary.
Co-Occurring Diagnosis Treatment Programs
Co-occurring diagnosis treatment programs address multiple diagnoses, such as severe depression co-occurring with a drug addiction. Sadly many treatment centers claim they provide treatment for co-occurring diagnoses, but they lack the training and resources to properly care for complex cases.
Finding the proper treatment program is critical.
Call the experts at InterventionASAP for guidance.
(888) 405-3121