By clicking the SUBMIT button your request will be sent to InterventionASAP and a staff member will contact you to schedule your appointment.

      By clicking the SUBMIT button your request will be sent to InterventionASAP and a staff member will contact you.
      Interventions & Alternatives for Someone Unwilling to Get Treatment


      Dealing with a family member with an addiction or other debilitating mental disorder like depression feel like a never-ending roller-coaster. You may feel stressed, exhausted, helpless, alone, hopeful then discouraged and with no idea where to turn. It can be especially difficult when the person with the problem is unwilling to get help, but if you don’t take action, things will get worse. The team at InterventionASAP is here to shoulder the burden of action, while guiding and directing your family at every step.

      We have found that over 95% of the people we work with decide to get help!  Our experience, education, training, and team approach are what drives our success in getting people to agree to the help they need.

      How Do I Get Started?

      We begin with an interview to learn the scope of issues about the person you are concerned about and their situation. We’ll then discuss how we can help. At any time as you are browsing our website, you can click on the “Let’s Talk” button to set up a free consultation with us.

      What is an Intervention?

      It’s time to do an intervention when what you have been doing isn’t working.

      An intervention is an organized way to “jump start” into change for everyone!

      Our intervention is process is skillfully planned, professionally led, designed to help you and your loved one that is struggling make positive changes.

      We don’t offer a one-size-fits-all plan for intervention, treatment placement, and ongoing care. We create an customized intervention strategy that is individualized to meet everyone’s needs.

      We help stabilize any current crisis, teach you how to effectively address your loved one issues, and offer a new approach to what is often an old problem.

      An intervention can give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have done everything possible to get your loved one into treatment and on a different path.

      The Basic Steps in our Intervention Process
      We Gather Information and Perform an Assessment

      Once our services are employed, the first step in developing our intervention program for your loved one is to form as complete a picture of them as possible. By gathering and evaluating their history and talking to family, past treatment providers, and others, we can determine the best treatment options for your loved one’s unique problems and personality. The best chance for a sustainable, long-term recovery begins with a thorough assessment.

      We Make treatment Recommendations

      Based on what we learn, we recommend treatment program options, introducing you to the best matches for your loved one. The treatment plan will take into consideration financial, insurance, medical, and psychological needs. We make all the arrangements for inpatient or outpatient treatment before the intervention occurs. When the person agrees to treatment during the intervention, we can then smoothly transition them from intervention to treatment.

      We are an independent entity and do not receive any compensation from the facilities we recommend. We continuously visit and evaluate the performance of treatment facilities across the U.S. so we can make the best recommendation for inpatient and outpatient providers for your circumstances.

      Your Intervention Team

      We help you in deciding who to include on intervention team. The intervention team can include family members, friends, clergy, coaches, employers, employees, and others that care. We help assemble the intervention team and coordinate everyone leading to and through the intervention.

      We Plan and Prepare in Advance

      We prepare an intervention strategy in advance, employing proven techniques our experience shows will best achieve our goal for your loved one.

      We Make Travel Arrangements (if needed)

      Travel, hotel stays, car rentals and transportation to and from the treatment center (if indicated) are all secured prior to the intervention. If plans change, our staff quickly adjusts the travel arrangements—keeping the intervention moving forward.

      Intervention Preparation, Planning and Practice

      The day prior to the intervention, we meet with everyone except the person of concern. It is another opportunity to strategize, educate and get everyone on the same page with consistent messaging and coordination of our collective efforts. We will practice for the actual intervention and prepare for anything that might happen. Everyone learns how to approach this difficult situation with compassion, teamwork, and genuine expectations for a better future.

      We Lead the Intervention

      The intervention team meets with the person of concern after the prep and planning day. We begin with a structured, non-confrontational conversation. Each intervention is unique. Our approach is coordinated, impactful, and persuasive. We remain calm and steadfast, because we know this is about doing everything we can to help your loved one, this is really a life saving effort.. Once your loved one says “YES,” we are ready to go! With travel coordinated beforehand, we are usually able to accompany the patient “door-to-door” at that moment and make sure they get checked in.

      85% of the interventions we conduct result in the
      subject agreeing to enter treatment the same day.